Triciabendazole is also commonly known as Fasinex. It has CAS No. 68786-66-3, Mol. Wt. 359.7 gms/mol, Molecular formula C14 H9Cl3N2OS. Triclabendazole is anthelmintic flukiside that belongs to the family of Benzimidazole . In structure it differs from other benzimidazole derivatives as it has a chlorinated Benzene ring. Triclabendazole is classified under the category of ‘Anthelmintic flukicide for veterinary use.
Triciabendazole is very effective drug ( for veterinary use) , for the treatment of diseases known as Fascioliasis which is found in domestic animals eg. Sheep , Cattle , goats. Fascioliasis is caused due to the presence of 2 species Fasciolahepatica F gigantic of parasitic flat worms which severely attack the liver leading to severe damage of liver.
Triciabendazole hence is an effective veterinary medicine against liver fluke diseases in sheep, cattle, and goats.. However it should not be used for dogs , cats , pigs or poultry.
The information given above is based on our current knowledge and should not be considered as an intention of our Company to provide any medical information or as an advice for animal specific treatment. For any medical attention for your animals, livestock , we advise our customers to consult a Veterinarian/ Veterinary Doctor and act as per his advice.
Specifications – Triciabendazole