Fenbendazole CAS No. 43210-67-9, is an Organic compound associated with the family of Benzimidazole. It has Mol Formula C15H13N3O2S, Mol. wt 299.349 gms/mol. It contains Benzene rings attached to an Imidazole ring ,( a five member ring containing carbon , hydrogen and nitrogen ).
Fenbendazole is a drug substance classified under the category ‘Anthelmintic Agent’ (for veterinary use) .It is used in the treatment & control of fluke infections of the digestive system caused by roundworms , tapeworms , hookworms , lungworms which are generally found in Cats , Sheeps, Goats ,Pet birds , Pigeons. Hence this drug is an effective de-wormer in animals. The information given above is based on our current knowledge and should not be considered as an intention of our Company to provide any medical information or as an advice for animal specific treatment. For any medical attention for your animals, livestock, we advise our customers to consult a Veterinarian/ Veterinary Doctor and act as per his advice.
Fenbendazole is a drug substance classified under the category ‘Anthelmintic Agent’ (for veterinary use) .It is used in the treatment & control of fluke infections of the digestive system caused by roundworms , tapeworms , hookworms , lungworms which are generally found in Cats , Sheeps, Goats ,Pet birds , Pigeons. Hence this drug is an effective de-wormer in animals. The information given above is based on our current knowledge and should not be considered as an intention of our Company to provide any medical information or as an advice for animal specific treatment. For any medical attention for your animals, livestock, we advise our customers to consult a Veterinarian/ Veterinary Doctor and act as per his advice.
Specifications – Fenbendazole BP